Lily Nicole and Sophia Ann where born on November 13, 2007. I had no idea I would receive such a wonderful gift on my birthday. Lily is the bigger one on the right with all the hair. She was born at 7:30pm, weighing 5lb 8oz and measuring 17 1/2 inches long. Sophia came after her big sister at 7:44pm weighing 4lb 9oz and measuring 18 inches long. They both did very well for only being 36 weeks gestation. Lily had a little bit of a rough start. She spent three days in the NICU recovering from the birth. We feel so blessed to have had two beautiful healthy girls with minimal complications. We came home from the hospital on Thursday with Sophie and were able to go back the next day and pick up Lily. Sophie really missed her sister that first night home. They love to be next to each other as you can see.
Sophia Ann Waite
Lily Nicole Waite
The proud big brother!